Wednesday, July 22, 2009




(tak rasa lagi but at least nampak macam sedap)




espree said...

i think it looks alcoholic..
hehe...just kidding!

♥ Teacher Nonoi ♥ said...

hihihi fruity juice..
Tak nampak cam alcoholic pun..tapi nampak cam rasa dia masam-masam manis..Hehehe

Summer said...

espree, i know ur not kidding! =P

sekali pandang, mcm lemonade plus strawberry. and yes, dua kali pandang, looks alcoholic. =)

kak noi, memang nampak sedap cam masam-masam manis.. but berhati-hati bila dining out @ so called expensive restaurants.. nampak sedap dalam menu..but it's actually alcoholic.

i guess, one of the ways to attract people untuk "minum" is by presenting a good looking drink like this. =)

youramoi said...

nasib baik tengok pic time malam sejuk2
lau time tengahari panas-panas memang da kuar pegi beli

AnEs said...

kalau air strawberi buat cantek2 camne pun mst jd berganda-ganda sedap kn?hihi

I ♥ British Accent said...

macam xsampai hati nak minum coz it was made with

Unknown said...

looks yummy!

especially on hot day like today!