Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Finale of War created by Medusa

Dear you, whom I used to call “Happiness”,

Hi again, this time in cyber world. How are you and your ‘man’? Hope you two are doing great! Do you know that I felt good saying Hi to you, face to face, that dinner’s night? I knew you wouldn’t initiate it, so why not us? After all, it’s a common sense, ignoring people we recognize would be impolite. It a shame that you thought we were being two-faced. But I guess, people can think whatever they want. =)

I thought I’ve declared clearly that I wanted peace. He and I wanted peace. Oh, maybe you didn’t get to read them posts. Ok I’ll just link here and here. So u can read them. Since u insisted to have a cyber war. Now let’s bring it on the final round, Medusa!

This is our response to you. Remember, we would like to clarify that we are not angry, just giving you the benefit of the doubts. There is an area within us that we keep buried deep inside. We used to have a temper, but over the years we’ve learnt to channel it to more positive things, and we don’t have an appetite for childish arguments with rage. What we DO have an appetite for though, is dealing provocations with such a grace and loveliness. Fate it seems, have always dealt us with situations where we had to take harshness, put-downs and best of all, under-estimation. =)

Honestly, I wasn’t surprised to read this - your “PPBL dinner” post. But I am gonna say Wow! And thank you! I thought you were gonna write about you and your ‘man’ only. We never expected you to write something bad about other people as well. But I guess that is just so you, right? Weren’t you so full of ideas? Were you excited from seeing us, the couple you couldn’t wait to see and judge that night? Or is that your expression of usual bitterness?

Why did you write in such a vengeful manner, girl? Hmm, kesian kamu, your beautiful looks will be wasted. Come to think of this, didn’t you afraid that by writing that post, you actually let the readers see you as the EX who has uncontrollable fits of jealous rage, an EX who still can’t leave him and his new gf alone, an EX who still can’t get him out of head, and an EX who still trying her best to score points in hurting him and his new gf by pointing all the bad things to them? Nah, I think you didn’t think of those thoughts, huh? You were busy trying to be mean and nasty…too busy writing something that could hurt us when actually your remarks didn’t have an effect on us a bit, instead we laughed reading it. We even thank you. =)

Dear you, whom now I call Medusa,

I do realize that I am just an ordinary girl. I did know that I would meet with many gorgeous hot girls with clean and clear face like you. Hehe, that night, I never tried to be amazing and never hoped that people wouldn’t stop looking at me. That’s why I wore the plain baju kurung with simple scarf and I didn’t put on make up. (So which part I been perasan? Did u hear me say “Aku la paling lawa”?). Could it be that it was you who thought that way? Hehe. Funny la you. I went to the dinner for him. As long as I looked amazing in his eyes, that was enough. My intention was just to be by his side for that night. Get to know his lecturers and his friends. I am happy that they treat me nicely, before and after dinner. Oh thanks for saying I was like an old woman. I’ll take that as compliment ya. ^_^ Coz usually, when I was about to enter a cinema, the staff would say “Can I see your ID please? We just wanna make sure you are above 18”.

He does realize he is fat and he’s cool. I do realize that I am skinny and pimply. We believe that our imperfections can drive us to be perfect couple for each other. What you described him as fat egoistic guy is totally brainless. Hehe. You were his ex, weren’t you? Wait, wasn’t it you who gave the hint wanting to be his gf? I think he’s right, you just like the idea of him when in reality; you couldn’t totally accept him. How could you say such things to an ex? Let me tell you something, mirror yourself first and try to remember your history with him, how sure are you about yourself never been egoistic before? Even when you are writing that post of yours, you are being one, girl.

He performed that night because he had to, the actual performer couldn’t make it last minute. Not because he wanted to show off or something. And the dedication of song to me, that was unexpected. That’s what I love about him. And anyway, the lecturers around the table even suggested to me to give him flowers and I did. Holding hands? Hmm… Why? Were you jealous? I don’t know but maybe because you couldn’t sit in my place which was supposed to be your place if you were still with him/no one to sing and dedicate song for you/it wasn’t you who hold his hands? Or maybe, the lecturers didn’t even remember your name but they remember his? Hehe.

Dear you Ana,

He and I were really happy and glad to know that you have found your ‘man’. We thought, “oh finally, she could leave us alone”. But you proved us wrong. What was your real motive in that dinner? You sure you went and left that dinner with an open cheerful heart? Because from your writing, you let us think that you are still not happy with what you saw in that dinner; us. Whether you like or not, you have acted like we were the center of your attention that night. You observed him n me. You scanned us. And you can’t wait to blog about it next day. Like there’s something that hurt you and makes you wanna hurt us back. You do know that what u did won’t make things better, right? That you are the one who’s gonna get hurt even more by your own words. Did we do or say something bad to you that night, Ana? Is this how you return our Hi, handshake and peace?

I am not saying you irritate us, I’m saying you are pathetic. If it makes you feel good and happy to feel superior to others, then go ahead and get off on that high. In the silence of your soul, ask yourself if God would agree with your cruelty and unkindness. We are not in pain, we are not sad, we have no regrets. =)

This time, we mean real Good Bye. We declared peace. We want peace. Please, leave us alone. Be happy. Forget him. Forget me. Forget us. Get a real boyfriend, not fake one. (Yeah, I know, your girl friends told us).

Thank you Ana for everything. Thank you because you started this War, we had fun playing with you! After this, we dont wanna play anymore, hang pi la carik org lain nak main perang perang k? Thank you. Thank you so much for everything! Good bye. Mmmmuuaahh~!!!

p/s: Wow. Yeah a long post!! Kalau kau tak blah jugak and still nak carik pasal lagi dgn kitorang, aku tak tau la nak cakap ape, maybe ko "pandai". Lepas je dari ini kitorang biar kan je la ko memalukan diri sendiri yerk. Tak boleh nak tolong dah. =) May you find your Happiness!

Updates (9.41PM) : She deleted her post. Well, what can I say...hehe. Like!!! =)


AiN said...

Sab, aku simpati la ngn die.. Haha.. Maybe mase die tulis tu, die xsdar die sdg memalukan diri dia sendiri.. I wonder why her friends didn't stop her from being that disgusting~

mAshe said...

Er.. One thing to say to that Ana: Grow up already!.. And you were rite about her 'outburst' being totally pathetic, Sab.. Her post made her true intentions, bitter heart and empty soul totally see through.. Hehe~

~n0n0i~ said...

scary entry!

acah jer!

xpe la sab..
just be happy!
pedulik la that gurl nak kata apa kan? janji korg berdua happy! hehe~

May God bless u and Seth,my dear..

Summer said...

Mashe and Ain, I guess it’s one of our usual reactions when something really bother us. Well, we could choose other positive options to channel our negative feelings, right? It’s just sad she chose the bad one. =)

Funny thing is, Seth n me did nothing! Maybe dier bosan tu, sbb tu dia nak main perang perang ngan kitorang. Tak baik plak biarkan dier main sorang sorang, so aku layankan je la.. hehe. Janji boleh gelak.

To kak Noi, Thank you. Simple je issue ni, just be nice to these nasty people. Lama lama die bosan la tu. Kita tak rugi apa apa pun.
Scary? Yeah, speaking or writing the nastiest thing in the nicest way is tough though. =) Kalo rase scary tu, maksudnye menjadi ke? Haha. ^_^

~n0n0i~ said...

Sebenarnya org mcm tu nak sakitkan hati jer..dia tak senang melihat orang lain senang..tapi masalahnya (thats her prob) orang tak sakit hati pon, rase nak gelak ada la..
pity her, really!

Takpe.. maafkan lah mereka2 yang telah buat salah pada kita..nescaya hati akan tenang.

Semoga Allah mempermudahkan jodoh kalian..amin..


p/s: sambil2 tu doa gak utk kaknoi.. kehkehkeh

DeWi said...

Sab… In this case, I might say that this girl is cursing you in polite way. Oppss sorry if it is not.. Coz in her way to kutuk2 u.. and find her self such a “perfect one” Wowowo… happinest.... I knew u r jealous on their relationship.. but BELIEVE on me.. your action like fooling back on yourselves…
As a girl, let me give u some advice..
“Bodoh la kamu bila masih mengharapkan seseorang itu apabila kamu sedar yang cinta kamu itu tidak dipedulikan lagi. Sedar la kawan.. cinta tanpa balasan tu memang sakit.. tapi jangan kamu cuba bermaen api … sbb tkut tbakar diri…. Jgn cuba tuk mencuba2 becinta dengan kekasih org kerna kamu juga akan rasa perit cmburu itu.. rasa perit hati sndri terluka sebab tindakan diri.. nasihat aku sbagai seorang perempuan, cukup lah melukakan hati sndri.. mmg untuk melupakn dia susah.. tapi SILA CUBA!.. kalau betul kamu sayang dia lagi… cukuplah sayang dihati kamu saja… doakan yang baik2 untuk dia.. sentiasa cuba untuk menerima kebahagiaan org yang kamu sayang itu.melihat kebahgiaan dia juga sebenarnya 1 rahmat… kalau kamu x bersamanya itu bermaksud jodoh kamu ada ditempat laen.. sabar..sabar…pernah percaya pada KARMA? Apa yg kita buat skarang. Kita akan dibalas pada laen hari.. benar..untuk melupakan org yang pernah kamu sayang.. pernah kamu alami smua saat manis bersama itu sukar.. tapi, slps ape yang blku pada kamu skrang.. kamu cuba untuk mrmps smula? Cukup la… simpan di hati kamu..sgala kenangan manis itu.. sesungguh nya, sampai bila2 kenangan itu tetap brada dhati… yang sudah tu sudah…. Teruskan perjalanan kamu… untuk berkawan dgn EX kamu itu adlh tidak salah.. Cuma.. x perlu ade perasaan cmburu itu lagi… jodoh kamu mungkin bukan disitu… ”
Hurm.. I hope wif my advice… u may realize that people make mistake and so do u…. the problem is.. u had to forget him.. dear girl.. forget him! He have SABRINA who is my fwend… stop talking all the nonsense thing about SABRINA.. She is not the one who had to be blame on…and FEE is not the one you should desire to…. U have to find the new happiness ok.. let ur self to get happiness again…

Bubbly Sabrina said...

Uish Shuwa, ko mmg pandai bermadah pujangga. hehe.

Tq. Tq.

DeWi said...

hurm.. i am DewiHati rite? flying over hear to tell about hati...weee~

Witty Hanafee said...

when i have nothing to say.. silence is my best answer

Bubbly Sabrina said...

You darling... is a silent killer.


~n0n0i~ said...

Tau tak Sab..
entry ni betul2 buat kaknoi bersyukur..

know why??