Monday, March 31, 2008

Thank you


(Happy tone coz just got back from 3 days of happiness with Fee. Hehe)

Now, see the pic? Need I say more?

Thank you Shaleen!! Sorry I figured it out this late =)

And i'd like to take this opportunity to thank my other friends too... (sorry couldnt list the names... Alamak, bile bace lagi sekali macam skema la pulak. haha.)

Thanks for the wishes, gifts, cards, messages, and phone calls.

Thank you, friends.

Also (even though most of them won't read this)

Mak, abah, angah, syirah, danial, aunts, mama and finally my darling Hanafee... thank you... so much.. for everything..

I love you, all.

1 comment:

chezzem said...

sorry I stole the pic from ur fs. all of our pics are in JB. gambar hingusan of course. hehe