Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our frame of love

This is what i gave Seth.

Our hand-made frame of love.
Simple yet thoughtful tak?

I made it within 1.5 hour before he arrived here from kl.
I started making it at 3.00 pm
Finished at 4.00 pm
He arrive at 4.30 pm
Witnessed by Ita and Inda

Bahan-bahannye and cara- caranye adalah:

1. A frame ( up to you glass, plastic or wood. Mine is glass)
2. Sweet moments (Pictures)
3. Printed love (Just google. In case no time to make your own little love.)
4. Glue (I suggest glue stick, it won't mess ur thing)

1. Gunting (Cut)
2. Susun (Arrange)
3. Tampal (Paste)



tAsYa said...

waa..suke2..nice la sab..so sweet..hee..

AL said...

aww.... so sweet. hee.. i knw what it's like to do a last minute thing. but yea.. it's better to do something thoughtful than just buying it out from the box. :) 5 stars for that!

p/s: thanx for dropping by.

AiN said...

2nd frame bleh nmpk muke Sab tgah amek gmbr dgn besungguh2.. hikhik